Checks and groups for Terraform
Checks make up the most important unit of your Checkly monitoring setup. Groups help you split them up according to your needs and keep complexity down.
Browser checks, API checks, Heartbeat checks and Multistep checks share many arguments, configuration-wise,
but also have their own unique ones. The type of your check is controlled using the type
Browser checks
For example, a browser check can look as follows:
resource "checkly_check" "e2e-login" {
name = "Login flow" // The name of the check
type = "BROWSER" // The type of the check
activated = true // Whether the check will start as active on creation
frequency = 10 // The frequency of the check in minutes
double_check = true // Whether the check should be run once more on failure
ssl_check = true // Whether your SSL cert for the given domain should be checked too
use_global_alert_settings = true // Whether to use account level alert setting instead of the alert setting defined on this check
run_parallel = true // Whether the check would run in a single location at time (round-robin) or all locations on each run
locations = [ // Which locations the check should run from (if not in a group)
// The script the check should execute
script = <<EOT
const { expect, test } = require('@playwright/test');
test('Login flow', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('');
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Log in' }).click();
await page.getByPlaceholder('Email').type('');
await page.getByPlaceholder('Password').type('supersecure1');
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Sign in' }).click();
await expect(page.getByText(/Welcome back/)).toBeVisible();
For tidiness and ease of use, it is recommended to store scripts in separate files, instead of using the inline option:
resource "checkly_check" "e2e-login" {
name = "Login Flow"
type = "BROWSER"
activated = true
should_fail = false
frequency = 1
double_check = true
ssl_check = false
use_global_alert_settings = true
locations = [
script = file("${path.module}/scripts/login.spec.js") // Our script is contained in this file
You can see all the configuration options for checks on the official Terraform registry documentation page.
API checks
On the other hand, an API check shares some part of the initial configuration, but is organized around the request
argument instead of the script
resource "checkly_check" "get-books" {
name = "GET /books" // The name of the check
type = "API" // The type of the check
activated = true // Whether the check will start as active on creation
should_fail = false // Whether the check's HTTP response's status is expected to be >399
frequency = 1 // The frequency of the check in minutes
double_check = true // Whether the check should be run once more on failure
ssl_check = true // Whether your SSL cert for the given domain should be checked too
use_global_alert_settings = true // Whether to use account level alert setting instead of the alert setting defined on this check
run_parallel = true // Whether the check would run in a single location at time (round-robin) or all locations on each run
locations = [ // Which locations the check should run from (if not in a group)
request { // All the settings for the check's HTTP request
url = "" // The request URL
follow_redirects = true // Whether the request should follow redirects
skip_ssl = false // Whether to skip the SSL validation on the target server
assertion { // One or more assertions to run against the HTTP response
source = "STATUS_CODE" // What to assert against
comparison = "EQUALS" // How to assert
target = "200" // Expected value
You can see all the configuration options for checks on the official Terraform registry documentation page.
Heartbeat checks
For example, a heartbeat check can look as follows:
resource "checkly_check" "send-weekly-digest-v-2" {
name = "Send Weekly Digest" // The name of the check
type = "HEARTBEAT" // The type of the check
activated = true // Whether the check will start as active on creation
heartbeat {
period = 7 // The expected period of time between each ping. Between 30 seconds and 365 days.
period_unit = "days" // The unit of time for the period, the available options are `'seconds' | 'minutes' | 'hours' | 'days'`
grace = 1 // The grace period to wait for before sending an alert. Between 0 seconds and 365 days.
grace_unit = "days" // The unit of time for the grace period, the available options are `'seconds' | 'minutes' | 'hours' | 'days'`.
use_global_alert_settings = true // Whether to use account level alert setting instead of the alert setting defined on this check
Upon applying your terraform configuration changes, you will be returned a read-only key value for the heartbeat ping token. The token is stored in your tfstate
Multistep checks
As with Browser checks, when constructing a Multistep check it is possible to provide the script directly in-line, but the recommended approach is to store scripts in separate files.
Multistep checks are only supported on runtime 2023.09 or later. See Runtimes for more details.
For example, a Multistep check can look as follows:
resource "checkly_check" "e2e-shopping" {
name = "Shopping Flow"
type = "MULTI_STEP"
activated = true
should_fail = false
frequency = 1
use_global_alert_settings = true
locations = [
script = file("${path.module}/scripts/shopping.js")
Once you start having more than just a handful of checks, it makes sense to start looking into groups to keep things tidy:
resource "checkly_check_group" "key-shop-flows" {
name = "Key Shop Flows" // The name of the group
activated = true // Whether the group will start as active on creation
muted = false // Whether the group will start as muted on creation
locations = [ // Which locations the check should run from (if not in a group)
concurrency = 3 // How many checks to run at once when triggering the group using CI/CD triggers
double_check = true // Whether to re-run a failed check from a different location
use_global_alert_settings = false // Whether to use global alert settings or group-specific ones
run_parallel = true // Whether the check would run in a single location at time (round-robin) or all locations on each run
Adding checks to groups
To add a check to a group, link it to that group by setting the group_id
argument to the group’s resource ID. For example, to link the API check and the group from this article:
resource "checkly_check" "get-books" {
name = "GET /books"
type = "API"
activated = true
should_fail = false
frequency = 1
double_check = true
ssl_check = true
use_global_alert_settings = true
locations = [
// This makes the check part of the group
group_id =
request {
url = ""
follow_redirects = true
skip_ssl = false
assertion {
source = "STATUS_CODE"
comparison = "EQUALS"
target = "200"
Locations and alert channel subscriptions defined at group level always trump the ones defined at check level. Double-check your config to make sure all checks are running from the intended regions and are set to alert on the correct channels.
You can see all the configuration options for groups, as well as more examples, on the official Terraform registry documentation page.
Last updated on January 7, 2025. You can contribute to this documentation by editing this page on Github